The Flock

A group with a paramount importance to the club’s health and future, The Flock comprises of generous Mystic supporters of all ages who help the Gulls reach new levels of success from youth to Premiere levels.As part of an ongoing effort to ensure the financial sustainability of the club, we are expanding our booster program to include three donation levels of monthly giving. We hope to build on the fantastic success of our 30 for $30 program which has seen over 60 participants!

All of our existing 30 for $30 members will be converted into our Flock program as Silver Gulls at the $30/Month donation level and will receive a Mystic River water bottle.

Joining our Golden Gulls Flock will get you a water bottle and custom 12-can cooler bag for a $60/Month donation.

Our premier Royal Blue Gulls Flock includes the above gifts and a special 50th Anniversary hoodie for $100/month.

Click Here to Join the Flock

We would like to thank the following current participants of THE FLOCK.

Royal Blue Gulls
Sam Anderson Sean Burgess Skip Heffernan Jeff Laflamme
Rick Rudolph David Rudzinsky Francis Russell Nick St. Germain
Ben Wallace Steven Whitney Brett Willis
Golden Gulls
James Molignano Leonard Whitted
Silver Gulls
Phil Baker Thomas Clark Patrick Doherty Dale du Preez
Kenneth Fagan Larry Feldman Brent Goldstein Peter Haxton
Rei Hayashi FX Jacoby Thomas Kenslea Joseph Kimemiah
Daniel Langan Jonathan Low Walter Lyons Don Madden
Mark Miliotis Alec Montgomery Paul Murphy Evin O’Driscoll
Declan O’Riordan Mikey Rudzinsky Francis Russell Daniel Schleifer
Christopher Shepard David Siegel Doug Smith-Peterson Mortimer Sullivan
Thomas Thekaekara Craig Weeks Matt Wilson Jay Appleman

Please help drive the ongoing success of the Mystic River Rugby Club by joining The Flock. You may choose to pay for your subscription through perpetual monthly donations until you cancel via Zeffy. (Anonymous donors are welcome!) Thank you and GO BLUE!!